Enablers affecting System Suppliers

System Suppliers
A system supplier is an organisation that provides human and technical systems and infrastructure e.g. manufacturers of Port Community Systems, navigational systems and shipping ERPs.
EN-005 – Establish standards and guidelines for information transfer/exchanges
Develop and anchor standards and guidelines.

A standard voyage exchange format is established to be used in different services using parts of voyage exchange format in its realization. The voyage exchange format builds further on the route exchange format.

EN-020 – Develop a sufficient format for ship-ship Route Exchange
Standard IEC 61174 ed 4 needs to complemented with a format for the exchange of a route segment in AIS ASM compatible format.
EN-039 – Establish standards for different segments of the voyage plan that needs to be developed.
Specification and standard of the initial Voyage object.
EN-053 – Standardised Port Call Message Format
A standardised port call format is to be established supporting the ship-to-shore, shore-to-ship, and shore-to-shore interaction supporting port call synchronization.
EN-074 – Define standard for dynamic area information
This is a new area that needs to be specified
Could be part of IHO S 121
EN-076 – Amend revised performance standards (resolution MSC.232(82)) to display dynamic areas on ECDIS
Functional requirement for displaying safety information
EN-100 – Definition of states
A generic definition of important states to coordinate in enabling the efficient port approach.
EN-117 – Route Exchange Format
All manufacturers of ECDIS and NAV systems have their own format elaborating and presenting routes. In order to eliminate errors and misinterpretations a new standardized format (IEC 61174 ed 4) has been developed within the Monalisa Project and can now freely be used by any vendor.
EN-142 – Quality standards for SeaSWIM enabled services
Quality standards indicating requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics must be identified to ensure that the SeaSWIM services are fit for each of their purpose. Such standards are generally referred to as the evaluative standards that enable the users to assess service providers and their service quality. The discussion on quality standards also leads to the process of certification that is used to demonstrate compliance with the standards. It has been defined as �the successful conclusion of a procedure to evaluate whether or not an activity actually meets a set of requirements�. Certification simply refers to quality assurance which can either be provided by the service provider itself or by an assessment by a third party.
EN-172 – Standardised certification protocol for onboard cross-check of routes
IMO to issue standards for this cross-check protocol and to be implemented in IMO 893(21).
EN-182 – A standard definition of a complete Voyage object and Voyage Information exchange standard format
Develop a standard framework for the information elements in the voyage object (plan).
EN-183 – Standard Voyage Information Format
All the information related to a ships voyage e.g. route, cargo, next port of call etc needs to be standardized.
EN-206 – Established federation for definition of data to share
Established federation for the definition of which data to share and to quality assure that information sharing is made in a trustworthy way,
EN-001 – Define method of access
In STM there will be information services that continually provide with information reaching a certain set of criteria. Methods for accessing such services, that either could be provided by the information owner or by a third-party actor, is defined by this enabler.
EN-002 – Define procedures for exchange of voyage information
Establish procedures and rules for creating, updating and exchange of voyage information.
EN-031 – Process for nominating actors.
Develop procedures on how the nomination of collaborators are to be executed.

All actors within the STM needs to be identified in order for the collaborators to �discover� them and for the STM information system to know where and to who the information is to be distributed.

EN-066 – Defining of the particular processes for a port.
Based on the generic state chart the definition of different variances of processes for the particular port needs to be defined in order to identify which information object that are relevant to be shared.
EN-078 – Procedures for acknowledgement of information between ship and area manager.
New technical function needed, standard needed
EN-079 – Establish procedures for production and distribution of dynamic area information
Operating procedures for shore based personnel.
EN-083 – Standard Operating Procedures for route monitoring
Add procedure in IALA VTS operating procedures
EN-102 – Define type of data to be stored and evaluated, based on the port call process instance and the state chart defined for the specific port call.
Data to be used for evaluation need to be defined for the use for external service providers to log the port call process for evaluation purposes.
EN-103 – Nomination process (service) including access to historical data
By an established process for nominating collaborators is to be defined in order to ensure that relevant can provide and access data. This also includes service providers that are accredited to log the conducted port calls and distribute those to others.
EN-139 – Procedures and rules for issuing and using Voyage ID are in place
Develop procedures and rules on how to issue and use Voyage ID�s.

Procedures and rules for EN-134 as well as regulating the use of voyage IDs (such as e.g. for how long voyage ID�s should be possible to access after the voyage has been conducted).

EN-140 – Process/procedure for provisioning and consumption of SeaSwim Information services
Services constitute the core of the service-oriented-architecture applied in SeaSWIM allowing possible [peer-to-peer] interactions between information providers and information consumers. In order to allow for the provisioning and consumption of services, as carriers of the information being exchanged/shared, processes/procedures of how to publish and discover services need to be defined (as e.g. how does the process look for including a service in the service registry and for discovering a particular service).
EN-141 – Process/procedure for Service specification language changes
In order to allow changes of the service specification language and keep the language up-to-date, there has to be processes/procedures for how to change the service specification language
EN-146 – Service approval process
For each area of operations, i.e. in the coverage of the different concepts, there needs to be service approval processes established in which proposed services need to be met by certain criteria agreed among the members of the federation (such as the Port CDM council).
EN-158 – Technical implementation framework (Swim Connector Blueprint) for SeaSWIM information Services
The establishment of an implementation framework supporting maritime actors to integrate to the Maritime Service infrastructure for provisioning and/or consuming data leveraged by SeaSWIM.
EN-166 – Standard operating procedures for information sharing (principles)
Procedural templates for organsations, system users, informaiton providers, service providers of SeaSWIM enabled infroamtion services, in how information can be shared in SeaSWIM informaiton sharing environment.
EN-205 – Common understanding of timelines for optimized performance in multimodal integration
To develop a common model for understanding the effects of delays on available resources and efficiency in the process of arrival and departure in ports.
EN-120 – Training in operation for new system and procedures
To be part of IMO STCW and detailed in IMO model course for deck officers at operational level.
EN-169 – Develop HMI for added route information on ECDIS
Consider Human factor effects of added information in ECDIS
All information should not be displayed on the ECDIS screen
EN-006 – Need a cross industry group to implement new standards
Standards simply indicate how things should be done and they have significant consequences for all stakeholders. The process of standard making is important and it must reflect the choices by industry. In addition, standards should be flexible enough to appeal to the wider community and not only to certain stakeholders. Connected to this is also the process of their development and the consideration of the organisation through which the standards will be developed.

Making the systems STM compliant.

EN-008 – Access Rights for information object or parts of information object
Access rights to information services is designed so that the information owner can assign rights to segments (and parts of segments) of the information object, using templates for different actor categories. E.g. an appointed agent for a certain port call of the voyage, shall have access to the route-segments from the prior port to the actual port.)
EN-038 – Introduce SeaSWIM connectors
Introduce standards for implementing connectors to existing systems to allow services of STM to access and distribute voyage information to/from different systems
EN-054 – Technologies enabling continous updates on ETA
Technologies enabling continuous updates on ETA and Port of Readiness (e.g. estimated, requested, confirmed, committed and actual times)
EN-055 – Enable access to recommended berth time from Port.
Port (some port actor founded in the terminals ability/desire to take the vessel to berth) providing recommended arrival time at berth.
EN-056 – Synchronising capability matching Requested ETA (port) with ETA (Ship)
Standardised communication(information service enabling synchronisation of ETA and RTA.
(Based on Port call format)
EN-075 – Signature (Verification) process for information reception and visualised. Both for on ship and onshore.
New technical function needed, standard needed
EN-084 – Automatic nomination granting access to route/voyage information by geo-location.
Functionality in SeaSwim (connectors) to add option of Auto-nomination of geo-location based actors (e.g. VTS, Ports, SRS, reporting areas).
EN-086 – Anomaly detection algorithm/function for route deviation
The technical development of reliable software services that can identify (and predict) when a pattern of a source for a ship, deviates from the published route (and risk assessment of these deviations).
EN-095 – Allowed provision of sharing of performance data between different ports by using a standard way to address a port call (port call message format)
The port call optimization service will provide statistics and performance measures for the port for internal use. This enabler is an information service accessible to other actors retrieving a standardized set of performance measures describing the port (potentially to be used for assessing the port�s performance in accordance with the Port Maturity Model).
EN-112 – Enable nominated Optimisation service provider, submit optimisation parameters, route exchange, capture performances, access to area Management Traffic Weather
Information service giving access to Vessel Particulars

Also needs EN-196.

EN-125 – Access key management system
A generic public-key-infrastructure provided by SewSwim (implemented in the SeaSwim connector), ensuring the identity of the information requester/publisher so that the information owner/consumer do not have to provide any information security measures other those prescribed/implemented in the SeaSwim connector.
EN-127 – Actor identity information services (provisioning and consumption)
The identity registry need to be kept up-to-date and have such a status that it becomes used. This requires services for provisioning and consuming actor identities. To identify and qualify a certain actor as an identity in the identity registry existing registries, as managed by diverse associations, forms an important basis.
EN-133 – Implement standards for dynamic area information dissemination and acknowledgement, on-shore and onboard
This is a new area that needs to be specified.
Could be part of IHO S 121
EN-144 – SeaSWIM connector access verification module
In order to access information services there is a need for SeaSWIM connectors. The allowance of accessing these do however need to be done by (electronically) ask the information provider whether the information service is allowed to be accessed by checking the nomination schema. For each connector such access verification module need to be implemented according to the standards for access management.
EN-145 – Service access classification framework
A framework supporting the implementation of SeaSWIM access management for SeaSWIM enabled information services (who, what, when, with what usage rights)
EN-147 – Service catalogue information service
A list of what information services (types) are available in SeaSWIM
EN-148 – Service discovery mechanism (service)
A generic functionality in SeaSwim enabling the discovery of a service as the carrier of the information that is requested. E.g a port will be able through its SeaSwim connector, subscribe for VoyageID�s with planned destination to the port, without knowing anything about logical or physical address where the information can be retrieved. That information is provided by the service discovery mechanism.
EN-151 – Service registry
An univeseral service registry provides a list of all services possible to access when certain criteria are met � such as e.g. geographical region.
EN-160 – Technical integration with existing actor registers in shipping
The possibility to connect the Identity registry to existing catalogue services providing actor registries (such as managed by IMPA, FONASBA, IHMA etc.).
EN-161 – Tracking of data for evaluation
The system needs to keep track of contract that regulates the possibility to use performance data (estimates and actuals) for evaluation purposes
EN-167 – SeaSWIM connectors for port actor support systems
Real time and historical data extraction from actors port community systems.
Enabled tracking of historical state changes. Connectors to existing systems necessary or more data generated manually requiring good interfaces.

When a Port Actor System (Agent system, port community system, Tug-operator system etc), is to be integrated with SeaSWIM, this will be done by a specified and well defined set of rules and standards, identifying with information services the actor system can (and will) support. Vendors of standard systems will develop standard connectors which can be used in every implementation of the system, whereas proprietary actor systems, will develop a dedicated SeaSWIM connector based on standardised framework, open source code or blueprints for SeaSWIM connectors.

EN-173 – Port Call message standard implemented in proprietary system
The technical and information standard Port Call Message, is implemented in various proprietary (or service provided) systems. ECDIS-equipment (including support services provided by the manufacturer), Port community systems, port approach systems, fleet operating centres.
EN-189 – ECDIS systems updated to be Route Exchange Format compatible
Actual implementation of Route Exchange Format in various equipment on board and on shore.
EN-200 – Shoreside equipment upgrade to be Route Exchange Format compatible
To reach full benefits from the STM concept both ships and shore centres need to have systems that are STM and Route exchange compatible
EN-201 – Subscription of relevant ship reporting data in shipping ERPs
The provision of an information service for subscription of data reported to by a specific voyage (time-stamps, Statement of facts, statistics).
EN-202 – Unique Voyage ID implemented in ship operators tools
Technical infrastructure for providing UVID (Unique Voyage ID ) to Ship-operators (UVID, ID-series, Actor identification ID, etc.). The UVID must also be implemented in Shipping ERP�s so that the UVID is used for all external communication about the Voyage.
EN-203 – System functionality for integration of global actor catalogue
Including information services, infrastructure and operations of a global actor catalogue (API, maintenance, etc.)
EN-204 – Interoperable platforms between different transportation systems
Interoperable platforms for sharing information between different transportation systems
EN-019 – Voyage Id Service
The objective is to provide unique voyage identity.
EN-029 – SeaSWIM Identity Registry
The objective is to manage an identity registry of maritime actors providing access rights to services.
EN-069 – Collaborator Nomination Service
The objective is to nominate and set access rights to collaborators around information object (e.g. Voyage Object).
EN-171 – SeaSWIM Access Management
The objective is to provide functionality to access services and information sources based on the desires of the service provider to enable trusted information exchange.
EN-179 – Area Management service
The objective is to establish a single page for updated:
– Legal and environmental requirements,
– Nautical information, which is today contained in Pilot books,
– Environmental information e.g weather, ice, currents, tidal water, and
– Safety warning.
EN-186 – Route Exchange Service
The objective is to enhance the situational awareness by providing surrounding vessels routes and displaying them on onboard ECDIS or shore based equipment.

A common route exchange format for route sharing between ship and shore.

EN-191 – SeaSWIM or equivalent Services
A set of services within SeaSWIM or other providers will have to be developed for the full implementation of the nomination process, including automatic nomination. Geo-location of; reporting lines, regulation, entering- or leaving, depth restrictions and so on, in addition to time-regulations (ETA-dependent) will need to be established in order for the full implementation of the nomination process.
EN-194 – Voyage Information Service
The objective is to provide information regarding a particular voyage accordance to access rights.
EN-197 – Port Call Optimisation Service
The objective is to coordinate and adjust actions related to other actors shared intentions and performances based on the set of states for a particular port call.